Settling in Canada: 8 Important Things to Do After Arriving

"Embarking on a journey to pursue a master's degree in Canada is an exciting and transformative experience. But, once you arrive, being well-prepared and equipped with the necessary information to make a smooth transition into your new life is crucial. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through eight important things to do after reaching Canada as an international student, ensuring you have a strong foundation for success throughout your academic journey."

Settling in Canada: 8 Important Things to Do After Arriving
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Welcome to Canada, the land of opportunities and a vibrant multicultural community! As an international student, embarking on your journey to pursue a master's degree in Canada is an exciting and transformative experience. However, once you arrive, it's crucial to be well-prepared and equipped with the necessary information to make a smooth transition into your new life. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through eight important things to do after reaching Canada as an international student, ensuring you have a strong foundation for success throughout your academic journey.

1. Finding Accommodation

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One of the first priorities upon arrival is finding suitable accommodation. Before you leave your home country, it's important to research housing options and understand the different choices available. Whether you prefer on-campus or off-campus housing, exploring your options early will help streamline the process. Many universities provide resources and platforms where you can find listings for student accommodation, making it easier to connect with potential roommates or landlords.
Considerations for finding accommodation include factors such as:
  • Location
  • Safety
  • Affordability
  • Proximity to your university or college
On-campus housing offers the advantage of being close to academic facilities and a built-in community, while off-campus options provide more independence and potential cost savings. Make a checklist of your requirements, explore multiple options, and don't hesitate to reach out to student services or housing offices for assistance. By securing a comfortable living space, you'll create a conducive environment for your studies and personal growth.

2. Understanding Canadian Culture and Lifestyle

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Canada is renowned for its cultural diversity and welcoming nature. As an international student, it's important to embrace and understand the Canadian culture and lifestyle. Learning about Canadian customs, traditions, and social norms will help you adapt to your new environment and establish meaningful connections with people around you.
Some key aspects of Canadian culture and lifestyle to consider are:

Embracing cultural diversity:

Canada is a melting pot of cultures, and you'll have the opportunity to interact with people from various backgrounds. Embrace diversity and appreciate different perspectives.

Learning about Canadian customs and traditions:

Familiarize yourself with Canadian customs, such as greetings, etiquette, and holiday celebrations. This will help you navigate social situations with ease.

Adjusting to the climate and weather conditions:

Canada experiences distinct seasons, each with its own weather conditions. Prepare yourself for the climate of the region you'll be studying in and invest in appropriate clothing and accessories.

Exploring local attractions and activities:

Canada offers a plethora of natural wonders, historical sites, and recreational activities. Take time to explore your surroundings and make the most of your new home away from home.
Immersing yourself in Canadian culture will not only enrich your experience as a student but also broaden your horizons and foster personal growth.

3. Getting Familiar with Campus and Academic Life

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Navigating the campus and understanding academic life is essential to a successful academic journey in Canada. Familiarize yourself with the layout of your university or college campus by taking campus tours or attending orientation programs. These activities will help you locate important facilities such as libraries, classrooms, computer labs, and student support services.
Attending orientation programs and workshops is highly recommended as they provide valuable information about academic expectations, course registration, campus resources, and support services available to international students. Don't hesitate to reach out to academic advisors or student support staff for any questions or concerns you may have. Building a strong foundation in campus and academic life will enable you to make the most of your educational experience in Canada.

4. Establishing Finances and Banking

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Managing your finances is crucial during your time as an international student in Canada. It's essential to open a bank account to handle your financial transactions conveniently. Research different banks and their services, and choose one that suits your needs. Most major banks in Canada offer student banking packages that come with benefits such as waived fees or reduced minimum balance requirements.
In addition to opening a bank account, understanding your financial responsibilities and budgeting effectively is key. Create a budget that accounts for tuition fees, accommodation, transportation, groceries, and other living expenses. Explore scholarships, grants, and part-time job opportunities to ease your financial burden and gain valuable work experience.
Consider the following tips for managing your finances effectively:
  • Keep track of your expenses and maintain a monthly budget.
  • Utilize student discounts and benefits available to you.
  • Explore part-time job opportunities on or off campus.
  • Seek financial guidance and support from student services or financial advisors.
By establishing sound financial practices, you can ensure a stable and stress-free experience while studying in Canada.

5. Obtaining Health Insurance and Healthcare Services

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Maintaining good health and well-being is crucial during your time as an international student in Canada. It's important to understand the Canadian healthcare system and ensure you have appropriate health insurance coverage.
Firstly, familiarize yourself with the Canadian healthcare system, which is primarily publicly funded. International students are usually required to have health insurance coverage, either through their institution or through a private insurance provider. Ensure you have the necessary health insurance to cover medical expenses, emergencies, and routine healthcare needs.
Once you have health insurance coverage, register with a family doctor or a primary healthcare provider. They will be your point of contact for non-emergency medical care. In case of emergencies, familiarize yourself with the nearest hospital or emergency services in your area.
Remember these key points regarding health insurance and healthcare services:
  • Understand the Canadian healthcare system and insurance requirements for international students.
  • Obtain adequate health insurance coverage.
  • Register with a family doctor or primary healthcare provider for routine medical care.
  • Familiarize yourself with emergency services in your area.
  • Prioritize your mental health and utilize available counseling resources if needed.
Taking care of your health will ensure you can fully enjoy your study abroad experience and excel in your academic pursuits.
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As an international student in Canada, it's important to stay compliant with legal documents and immigration requirements to maintain your status and have a smooth academic journey. Here are some essential steps to follow:

Extend study permits and visas:

Ensure that your study permit and visa remain valid throughout your stay in Canada. Familiarize yourself with the renewal process and submit any necessary applications well in advance to avoid any complications.

Register with local authorities:

Depending on the province or territory you're studying in, you may be required to register with the local authorities. Research and understand the specific requirements in your area, such as obtaining a driver's license or health card.

Work permit regulations for international students:

If you plan to work part-time while studying in Canada, familiarize yourself with the work permit regulations. International students are often eligible for work permits that allow them to gain valuable work experience and support their finances.

Comply with immigration laws and regulations:

Stay informed about immigration laws and regulations to ensure you adhere to all requirements. Maintain proper documentation and report any changes in your circumstances, such as address updates or program changes, to the relevant authorities.
By staying on top of legal documents and immigration requirements, you can focus on your studies and have a worry-free experience in Canada.

7. Building a Support Network and Getting Involved

Building a strong support network and getting involved in the campus community are vital aspects of your experience as an international student in Canada. These connections will not only provide you with emotional support but also help you make lifelong friendships and enhance your overall experience. Here's how you can get involved and build a support network:
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Join student clubs and organizations:

Universities and colleges in Canada offer a wide range of student clubs and organizations catering to various interests and hobbies. Participate in clubs related to your academic field, cultural background, sports, or other areas of interest. This will allow you to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in activities you enjoy.

Attend social and cultural events:

Keep an eye out for social and cultural events organized by your institution or local community. These events provide opportunities to meet new people, experience different cultures, and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the campus and surrounding area.

Seek mentorship and guidance:

Many institutions have mentorship programs specifically designed to support international students. Take advantage of these programs to connect with experienced students or faculty members who can provide guidance and support throughout your academic journey.

Engage in volunteer activities:

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community while gaining valuable experience and expanding your network. Look for volunteer opportunities on or off campus that align with your interests and values.
Remember, building a support network takes time and effort. Be proactive in reaching out to others, attending events, and engaging in conversations. Your support network will play a significant role in helping you navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and make the most of your time in Canada.

8. Exploring Canada's Wonders and Cultivating a Work-Life Balance

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While your primary focus is your academic journey, don't forget to explore the wonders that Canada has to offer and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Canada is known for its breathtaking natural landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural heritage. Take time to explore different regions, try new activities, and immerse yourself in Canadian experiences. Traveling during breaks or weekends allows you to create lasting memories and gain a deeper understanding of the country.
Additionally, it's essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout. Plan your schedule effectively, allocate time for leisure activities, hobbies, and self-care. Engage in physical exercise, join fitness classes, or explore outdoor recreational activities. By nurturing a balance between your academic pursuits and personal well-being, you'll thrive both academically and personally.


Congratulations on embarking on your journey as an international student in Canada! By following these eight important steps after reaching Canada, you'll be well-prepared to navigate your academic journey, embrace Canadian culture, build a support network, and create unforgettable experiences. Remember, Canada is your new home away from home, and with proper planning and an open mind, you'll make the most of this transformative experience. Embrace every opportunity, overcome challenges with resilience, and enjoy the incredible adventure that awaits you. Best of luck!


Q: Can I start looking for accommodation before arriving in Canada?
A: Absolutely! It's recommended to start your search for accommodation before you arrive in Canada. Many universities provide resources and online platforms where you can find listings for student housing. This allows you to explore your options, connect with potential roommates or landlords, and secure a place to live before your arrival.
Q: How do I open a bank account in Canada as an international student?
A: Opening a bank account in Canada is relatively straightforward. Research different banks and their services, and choose one that suits your needs. Most major banks offer student banking packages designed specifically for students. Once you've selected a bank, visit the branch with the required documents, which usually include your passport, study permit, and proof of address. The bank representative will guide you through the account opening process.
Q: What should I do if I experience homesickness or culture shock?
A: It's normal to experience homesickness or culture shock when studying abroad. To cope with homesickness, stay connected with family and friends through video calls or social media. Engage in activities and join clubs where you can meet people with similar interests. If you're feeling overwhelmed by cultural differences, remember that it's a natural part of the adjustment process. Take time to learn about Canadian culture, be open-minded, and seek support from university counseling services or student support groups.
Q: Can I work part-time as an international student in Canada?
A: Yes, as an international student, you're usually eligible to work part-time while studying in Canada. However, there are certain regulations you must follow. Most international students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during scheduled breaks. Ensure you have the necessary work permits and consult the guidelines provided by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to understand the specific regulations and requirements.
Q: How do I renew my study permit and visa?
A: To renew your study permit and visa, it's important to start the process well in advance. Review the requirements and application procedures provided by IRCC. Generally, you'll need to submit an application for an extension before your current study permit expires. Make sure to gather the necessary supporting documents, such as proof of enrollment and financial resources. It's crucial to maintain legal status in Canada, so plan accordingly and follow the renewal process diligently.
Q: Are there any scholarships or grants available for international students?
A: Yes, there are various scholarships, grants, and financial aid options available for international students in Canada. Many universities and colleges offer scholarships specifically for international students based on academic merit, extracurricular achievements, or other criteria. Additionally, there are external scholarship programs offered by the Canadian government, foundations, and organizations. Research and apply for these opportunities early, as application deadlines may vary.